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Survey about the MAWB Piece-ID

1. We do ship Airfreight with an IATA MAWB regularly:

2. We also ship our Airfreight additional with an HAWB linked to the IATA MAWB:

3. We do ship Airfreight from our site in:

4. We use MAWB Bar Codes (according to the IATA resolution 606) coded by

5. The IATA „Cargo 2000“ iniative (C2K) is known to me/us:

6. We use (online) Track & Trace Systems for checking a shipment’s status:

7. We have already experienced problems to locate single pieces (of multiple piece shipments) exactly due to no Piece-ID available:

8. An individual Piece ID is / would be for us

9. A limitation to 4 digits (=max 9999) single pieces per MAWB (=then 15 iso 11 digits), would be satisfying as individual Piece-ID for our requirements:

10. A limitation to 5 digits (=max 99999) single pieces per MAWB (=then 16 iso 11 digits), would be satisfying as individual Piece-ID for our requirements:

11. A limitation to 5 digits –numbers and letters- as alternative would be sufficient for us (would be more than 60 Million possibilities for an individual identification possible):

12. We would prefer a „License Plate“ with GS1 SSCC Code (=always 18 Digits):

13. We would prefer a „License Plate“ with ASC MH10 Code (=max 35 Digits):

14. We would prefer a combination with RFID Identifier:

15. Last / Summary: We would prefer the following individual Piece ID: